Weigh-In Wednesday #12

it’s been a couple of weeks since i last posted, and this weigh in is actually from august 5th, 2015. and i didn’t go to my meeting/weigh-in the following week, on august 12th, 2015. sigh.

i had a few distractions recently; wedding festivities, my niece’s birthday, some upsetting news at home. everything happened in the same week, and it was easy to focus my energy elsewhere, and not bother with ww.

i was ok at the wedding events. i definitely ate butter chicken and naan, and had the deep fried pakoras everytime! but i did notice my portions were smaller now than they would have been a few months ago. and i offered to drive, so mike could drink — that saved me some extra points as well. and i danced bhangra pretty much non-stop, lots of activity points there!

the best part though, my sister gifted me a new indian outfit back in april. the pants were tight at the time, i could stand, but no way could i sit down. but i wore it to the wedding, and it fit great (with spanx!). it was a really great feeling 🙂

my niece’s birthday party was at a bowling alley. i had pizza and cake, but drank water not soda. but, i also opted out of bowling, and instead sat around and just socialized. no activity points for me!

mike and i have also been going out a lot more. mike’s come to meet me for a few lunches at work; sushi, indonesian, foodcourt — definitely nothing healthy. and since he’s been home, he’s also doing most of the meal planning and cooking; some healthy dinners, but others, not so much.

it feels like dominoes — once i go off track for one thing, everything else starts to go as well. the meal planning/food was off the rails…so then i stopped weekly planning in my journal, didn’t track my points, no yoga classes, and no long bikerides.

i made a promise to myself a few days ago, no matter what, i am going to weigh-in this wednesday! so, since then, i’ve been better with everything — more aware of my meals/portions, did a 36km bikeride yesterday, started weekly planning in my journal, am tracking my points. it’s funny how a bad week or two can feel almost like starting over again! but it’s definitely easier to get back on track, since i have the last couple of months to use as a guide.

weigh-in wednesday details:

original starting weight: 166 pounds
wednesday weigh-in: 154.2 pounds
difference since last weigh-in: -0.2 pounds
total lost: -11.8 pounds

wedding fun!

wedding fun!

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