Weigh-In Wednesday #11


it was another amazing weigh-in this week. i was down -1.8 pounds. i’ve officially lost 10 pounds, and i feel great!

i’ve been doing a lot of good things — tracking, exercise, meal planning etc. but i’ve also had cheesecake, bbq, and a 1/2 bottle of wine the past week. on monday, i ate 41 points, well above my daily 26. i honestly don’t understand how come my weight loss has been so high, but as the receptionist at the weigh-in said to me this morning, “ours is not to question why!”

i’m hoping this trend continues, it’s really motivating me to keep going. normally, on wednesdays after weigh-in, i consider it my cheat day. usually i buy a “fun” lunch, and have an extra-tasty dinner with some wine and/or dessert. today, i added 1pp creamer to my coffee, and i brought a piece of 8pp cheesecake to have after lunch — everything else is normal. fruit and yoghurt for breakfast, an 8pp lunch of chicken and salad, hummus and veggies for snack. i’ll go over my points for today, but it will likely only be by a 5 or 6, and not double! it’s the success that’s making me want to stay on track and keep seeing results.

since i was dramatically over my points on monday, last night i decided to go for a 20km bike ride to try and make up for it. i earned 6 activity points, and was pretty proud of myself for doing a mid-week ride. i also finally activated my yoga pass, and i’m going to my first yoga class tonight. and i’m still biking to work every day. i take the slightly longer way so i can take the scenic route. i am really blessed to have such a picturesque ride to start and end my workday. i took a snapshot on my way in this morning, i’ve posted the photo below.

i have the 50km bike ride in a few weeks, but i still haven’t cycled that distance in a single ride, i’m starting to get pretty nervous! i need to do at least one long ride this weekend, i am aiming for 40km on sunday.

in my quest to stay engaged and encouraged — eg. my vision board, wearing a fitbit, keeping this blog etc — i also just started keeping a planner where i can track my daily accomplishments, record my day in general, plan my activity, and set some goals. i’m finding the more tools i have, the more invested i am in my journey. it’s also a fine line to add them in slowly as needed, otherwise i feel overwhelmed! i take the time to get comfortable with my current motivational tool, let the novelty wear off a little, and then slowly add in something new. prior to the planner, it was creating/shopping for/viewing/editing my vision board that was keeping me on track. now that the vision board is pretty much done until the end of summer, it was a good time to get more in-depth and start keeping a daily log. i saw someone do it in a youtube video, and immediately, i was like “i need one of those!!” — i love making lists, coloured pens, and stickers!

it’s a 3-day weekend this week, in addition to relaxing, i’m hoping i’ll use the extra time to do positive activities — some extra fitness (bike and yoga), as well as meal prepping and planning for the week ahead. it’s another week where i’m hoping to just keep chugging along 🙂

weigh-in wednesday details:

original starting weight: 166 pounds
wednesday weigh-in: 154.4 pounds
difference since last weigh-in: -1.8 pounds
total lost: -11.6 pounds

the lovely view from my seawall bike ride to work

the lovely view from my seawall bike ride to work

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